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Solving for Yield with the Avantis Barclays Volatility Control Index


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Many of the indices you see today are built to illustrate well rather than to perform well. DPL, Avantis Investors, Barclays and Security Benefit Life Insurance Company have introduced a new U.S. equity index designed to deliver higher expected returns with lower volatility.

Learn more about the Avantis Barclays Volatility Control (“VC”) Index, which offers advisors:

  • An accumulation option designed by Eduardo Repetto and Pat Keating of Avantis Investors (formerly of Dimensional Fund Advisors)
  • A first-of-its-kind index created for the RIA market and the Commission-Free fixed index annuity (FIA) structure
  • A unique solution built around an excess return option strategy (reinvested dividends) rather than a price return, which may translate into better interest crediting opportunities within the FIA.

There will be a Q&A segment at the end of the presentation.

Solving for Yield with the Avantis Barclays Volatility Control Index